20 Kasım 2011 Pazar
Başbakanla gündem özel 24.02.2011 Uzman Jandarma - Bedelli ve Sözleşmeliler
Başbakanla gündem özel 24.02.2011 Uzman Jandarma - Bedelli ve Sözleşmeliler
CHP'den bedelli askerlik için kanun teklifi
CHP'den bedelli askerlik için kanun teklifi
CHP İstanbul milletvekili Aydın Ayaydın, 28 yaşından gün almamışların bedelli askerlikten yararlanması için kanun teklifi verdi.
Kılıçdaroğlu, bedelli askerlikle ilgili olarak 'önümüzdeki süreçte parlamentoya gelecek biz de ayrıca kanun tekliflerimizi vereceğiz' demişti. Kılıçdaroğlu'nun sözünü ettiği kanun teklifleri meclis başkanlığına sunuldu.
Hem bedelli askerlik hem de askerlik süresinin kısaltılması ile ilgili iki ayrı düzenlemeyi içeren kanun tekliflerinin altında CHP İstanbul Milletvekili Aydın Ayaydın'ın imzası var.
Bedelli askerlik ile ilgili kanun teklifi aslında yeni değil. Önceki döneme ait. Ama kadük oldu o yüzden Ayaydın teklifi birkez daha başkanlığa sundu.
28 yaşından gün almamış olanları kapsıyor
CHP'nin teklifi 28 yaşından gün almamış olup,her ne sebeple olursa olsun askerlik hizmetini yapmayanları kapsıyor.
Yasa teklifine göre, yıllık geliri 10 bin liradan az olan veya hiç geliri bulunmayanlar bedel ödemeden, yıllık geliri 25 bin liradan az 10 bin laradan fazla olanlar 7 bin 500 lira , yıllık geliri 25 bin liradan fazla olanların ise 15 bin lira ödeyerek bedelli askerlik yapmalarını öngörüyor..
Askerlik süresi 6 aya indirilsin
Erbaş ve erler için 15 aylık sürenin 9 ay olması, bu sürenin, koşullların müsait olması halinde altı aya kadar indirilmesi teklifte yer aldı.
12 ay olan yedek subay hizmet süresinin de yine 9 ay'a indirilmesi, yedek subay hizmet süresinin barış dönemlerinde genelkurmay başkanının teklifi ve bakanlar kurulu kararı ile beş aya kadar düşürülmesi istendi.
CHP İstanbul milletvekili Aydın Ayaydın, 28 yaşından gün almamışların bedelli askerlikten yararlanması için kanun teklifi verdi.
Kılıçdaroğlu, bedelli askerlikle ilgili olarak 'önümüzdeki süreçte parlamentoya gelecek biz de ayrıca kanun tekliflerimizi vereceğiz' demişti. Kılıçdaroğlu'nun sözünü ettiği kanun teklifleri meclis başkanlığına sunuldu.
Hem bedelli askerlik hem de askerlik süresinin kısaltılması ile ilgili iki ayrı düzenlemeyi içeren kanun tekliflerinin altında CHP İstanbul Milletvekili Aydın Ayaydın'ın imzası var.
Bedelli askerlik ile ilgili kanun teklifi aslında yeni değil. Önceki döneme ait. Ama kadük oldu o yüzden Ayaydın teklifi birkez daha başkanlığa sundu.
28 yaşından gün almamış olanları kapsıyor
CHP'nin teklifi 28 yaşından gün almamış olup,her ne sebeple olursa olsun askerlik hizmetini yapmayanları kapsıyor.
Yasa teklifine göre, yıllık geliri 10 bin liradan az olan veya hiç geliri bulunmayanlar bedel ödemeden, yıllık geliri 25 bin liradan az 10 bin laradan fazla olanlar 7 bin 500 lira , yıllık geliri 25 bin liradan fazla olanların ise 15 bin lira ödeyerek bedelli askerlik yapmalarını öngörüyor..
Askerlik süresi 6 aya indirilsin
Erbaş ve erler için 15 aylık sürenin 9 ay olması, bu sürenin, koşullların müsait olması halinde altı aya kadar indirilmesi teklifte yer aldı.
12 ay olan yedek subay hizmet süresinin de yine 9 ay'a indirilmesi, yedek subay hizmet süresinin barış dönemlerinde genelkurmay başkanının teklifi ve bakanlar kurulu kararı ile beş aya kadar düşürülmesi istendi.
Bakanların imzasına sunulan bedelli askerlikte artık sona gelindi. Bankalar da bedelli askerlik kampanyalarını hazırladı. İşte bankaların kampanyaları
Bakanların imzasına sunulan bedelli askerlikte artık sona gelindi. Bankalar da bedelli askerlik kampanyalarını hazırladı. İşte bankaların kampanyaları
Bedelli askerlik yasa tasarısı bakanların imzasına sunulurken, bankalar da 'bedelli kredisi'ne son şeklini veriyor. Kredide vade 60 aya kadar çıkarken, faiz yüzde 1.40-1.50 arasında olacak.
Bedelli askerlik yasa tasarı Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'nde bakanların imzasına açılırken, bankalar da bedelli askerlikten yararlanmak isteyen müşterileri için 'bedelli kredisi'ne son şeklini vermeye başladı.
30 yaş ve üstünün yararlanacağı bedelli askerliğin bedelinin 4 taksitte 25 bin lira ya da peşin 10 bin Euro olması beklenirken, banka kredisi kullanacaklar aylık asgari ücret fiyatına taksitle askerlik hizmetini yerine getirebilecek. Bankaların hemen hemen hepsi bedelli askerlik kredilerinde vadeyi 60 aya kadar çıkarıyor.
Bankacılar, bedelli kredisinin faizinin son şeklinin yasa çıktıktan sonra belli olacağını, ancak kredinin aylık faiz oranının 60 ay vade için yüzde 1.40 ile yüzde 1.50 arasında oluşacağını belirtiyor. Bu faiz oranıyla 60 ay vadeli kredisi kullanan bir vatandaşın aylık ödeyeceği taksit tutarı ise 683 TL oluyor. Asgari ücretin net 599 TL olduğu göz önüne alındığında Neredeyse aylık asgari ücret tutarı taksit ödeyerek bedelli askerlik yapılabilecek. 60 ay vadeli 25 bin TL kredi kullanan asker adayının vade sonunda askerlik için toplam ödediği bedel ise 41 bin TL olacak.
Bedelli askerlik imkânından yararlanması düşünülen 30 yaş ve üstü 400 bin kişinin olduğu belirtiliyor. Bu kişilerin tamamının bedelli askerlik yapması durumunda devletin kasasına 10 milyar TL gibi bir kaynak girecek.
Bankacılar, bedelli askerlik hakkını kullananların en az yarısının banka kredisi kullanacağını öngörüyor. Bütün adayların bu hakkını kullanması durumunda en az 200 bin kişinin banka kredisi kullanması bekleniyor.
Bedelli askerlik yasa tasarısı bakanların imzasına sunulurken, bankalar da 'bedelli kredisi'ne son şeklini veriyor. Kredide vade 60 aya kadar çıkarken, faiz yüzde 1.40-1.50 arasında olacak.
Bedelli askerlik yasa tasarı Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi'nde bakanların imzasına açılırken, bankalar da bedelli askerlikten yararlanmak isteyen müşterileri için 'bedelli kredisi'ne son şeklini vermeye başladı.
30 yaş ve üstünün yararlanacağı bedelli askerliğin bedelinin 4 taksitte 25 bin lira ya da peşin 10 bin Euro olması beklenirken, banka kredisi kullanacaklar aylık asgari ücret fiyatına taksitle askerlik hizmetini yerine getirebilecek. Bankaların hemen hemen hepsi bedelli askerlik kredilerinde vadeyi 60 aya kadar çıkarıyor.
Bankacılar, bedelli kredisinin faizinin son şeklinin yasa çıktıktan sonra belli olacağını, ancak kredinin aylık faiz oranının 60 ay vade için yüzde 1.40 ile yüzde 1.50 arasında oluşacağını belirtiyor. Bu faiz oranıyla 60 ay vadeli kredisi kullanan bir vatandaşın aylık ödeyeceği taksit tutarı ise 683 TL oluyor. Asgari ücretin net 599 TL olduğu göz önüne alındığında Neredeyse aylık asgari ücret tutarı taksit ödeyerek bedelli askerlik yapılabilecek. 60 ay vadeli 25 bin TL kredi kullanan asker adayının vade sonunda askerlik için toplam ödediği bedel ise 41 bin TL olacak.
Bedelli askerlik imkânından yararlanması düşünülen 30 yaş ve üstü 400 bin kişinin olduğu belirtiliyor. Bu kişilerin tamamının bedelli askerlik yapması durumunda devletin kasasına 10 milyar TL gibi bir kaynak girecek.
Bankacılar, bedelli askerlik hakkını kullananların en az yarısının banka kredisi kullanacağını öngörüyor. Bütün adayların bu hakkını kullanması durumunda en az 200 bin kişinin banka kredisi kullanması bekleniyor.
PM Erdoğan's declaration on 'paid' military service
PM Erdoğan's declaration on 'paid' military service
Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan declared the date estimates for the 'paid' military service
PM Erdoğan told at a news conference when it is estimated for the shortened 'paid' military service plans to be enacted.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that the law on 'paid' military service is estimated to pass within the next week at the latest. The Prime Minister however, gave no details as to the age limit at this point.
Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan declared the date estimates for the 'paid' military service
PM Erdoğan told at a news conference when it is estimated for the shortened 'paid' military service plans to be enacted.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that the law on 'paid' military service is estimated to pass within the next week at the latest. The Prime Minister however, gave no details as to the age limit at this point.
Turkey's paid military service bill will be ready next week
Turkey's paid military service bill will be ready next week
A long-awaited bill to exempt conscripts from military service in return for payment will be completed by next week, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced yesterday.
“We are about to conclude work [on the draft]. I believe we will finish it if not this then next week. We will move immediately and hopefully pass it through Parliament,” Erdoğan said.
The prime minister made the announcement shortly before he met with Chief of General Staff Gen. Necdet Özel for talks that focused on the details of the arrangement.
The government and military were reportedly at odds on the eligibility criteria for the beneficiaries of the bill. The government was said to be planning to include men aged over 25, while the General Staff was reportedly in favor of exempting only university graduates aged over 35 so that fewer conscripts could benefit.
The government is yet to disclose the amount of the payment that will be required and how the generated funds will be used.
In a related development yesterday, Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin said a planned legal arrangement to address the plight of conscientious objectors would not amount to abolishing the compulsory draft and a jail sentence for refusing the compulsory draft would stay on the books.
The minister had announced the previous day that work was under way on a legal amendment to address a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that condemned Turkey in 2006 over repeated prison terms given to anti-war activist Osman Murat Ülke, who refused to do his military service. The Council of Europe has urged Ankara to enact prompt measures to resolve the problem by December.
The ECHR “has not contested the fact that a jail sentence exists in Turkey for the refusal of compulsory military service. They have contested the fact that the punishment was given over and over again,” Ergin said yesterday.
A long-awaited bill to exempt conscripts from military service in return for payment will be completed by next week, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced yesterday.
“We are about to conclude work [on the draft]. I believe we will finish it if not this then next week. We will move immediately and hopefully pass it through Parliament,” Erdoğan said.
The prime minister made the announcement shortly before he met with Chief of General Staff Gen. Necdet Özel for talks that focused on the details of the arrangement.
The government and military were reportedly at odds on the eligibility criteria for the beneficiaries of the bill. The government was said to be planning to include men aged over 25, while the General Staff was reportedly in favor of exempting only university graduates aged over 35 so that fewer conscripts could benefit.
The government is yet to disclose the amount of the payment that will be required and how the generated funds will be used.
In a related development yesterday, Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin said a planned legal arrangement to address the plight of conscientious objectors would not amount to abolishing the compulsory draft and a jail sentence for refusing the compulsory draft would stay on the books.
The minister had announced the previous day that work was under way on a legal amendment to address a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that condemned Turkey in 2006 over repeated prison terms given to anti-war activist Osman Murat Ülke, who refused to do his military service. The Council of Europe has urged Ankara to enact prompt measures to resolve the problem by December.
The ECHR “has not contested the fact that a jail sentence exists in Turkey for the refusal of compulsory military service. They have contested the fact that the punishment was given over and over again,” Ergin said yesterday.
Specified the Turkish Armed Forces 2011
Specified the Turkish Armed Forces 2011
Turkey is located in the Center of the Caucasus, Middle East and the Balkans which are the most unstable regions in the World. Therefore the defense policy is designed to preserve and protect the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and vital interests of the country. The Turkish Armed Forces missions and responsibilities are clearly stated in the Constitution and determined by laws as to react against new security problems and crises in the new century, to be ready to face the uncertainties, and to ensure the security of Turkey against internal and external risks.
Military service in Turkey is compulsory for all male citizens between 20 - 41 years of age (with some exceptions such as handicapped, or mentally ill, or not healthy people). Women are allowed only to become officers choosing it as a career enrolling in military schools and not as conscripts. Those men who are 20 years of age but still continue their higher education at Universities or vocational training programs are allowed to postpone their draft until they have completed these programs. The duration of the basic military service varies: 15 months for privates (elementary or high school graduates), 12 months for reserve officers (University graduates), and 6 months for short-term privates (those who have earned a university degree and have not been enlisted as reserve officers).
For Turkish citizens who have lived or worked abroad for at least 3 years, a basic military training of 3 weeks is offered instead of the full-term military service if they pay a certain fee in foreign currency (was 10.000 old German Marks, equal to 5.112 Euros of today). Also in times when the General Staff assesses that the military reserve exceeds the required amount, paid military service of 1 month basic training is established for local citizens. After the 1999 earthquake, an exception was made and paid military service was accepted that year to help the economy using the collected money in reconstruction and rehabilitation of the cities suffered during that horrible earthquake of August 17th.
All Land, Naval and Air forces are connected to the Turkish General Staff, Gendarmerie forces are connected to the Land forces, and Coast Guard is connected to the Naval forces. The Chief of General Staff (General Necdet Ozel since August 2011, succeeding retired General Isik Kosaner) is appointed by the President as Commander of the Armed Forces and is responsible to the Prime Minister. His office is coordinated with the Ministry of Defense who is also responsible to the Premiere. The Council of Ministers is responsible to Turkish Grand National Assembly for national security and the preparation of the Armed Forces to defend the country. However, authority to declare a state of war and send Turkish Armed Forces to foreign countries or allow foreign armed forces to be stationed in Turkey rests with Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM).
Land Forces are organized into; 4 Corps Command (1st Army in Marmara area, 2nd Army in the Southeast, 3rd Army in the Northeast, Aegean Army in the Aegean region), Land Forces Training & Doctrine Command, and Land Forces Logistic Command. The country is divided into four military sectors on the basis of strategic conditions of terrain, logistics, communications, and the potential external threat. These sectors are assigned to four field armies, the first three of which would come under NATO command in the event of a NATO reinforced alert.
The First Army has its headquarters in Istanbul and is widely deployed in the European part of Turkey. Their responsibility is to defend Istanbul, Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits, and Kocaeli Peninsula.
The Second Army has its headquartered in Malatya and is deployed in southeastern Anatolia with a defensive mission facing Syria, Iraq, and Iran.
The Third Army has its headquarters in Erzincan and is deployed in eastern Anatolia, covering the borders with Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan from the east and northeast. For the Armed Forces readiness against any possible crisis in the area (such as during Persian Gulf War and Iraqi War), most of the armored, mechanized, and commando brigades are located in the central region in order to act rapidly into any scenario around our borders.
The Aegean Army (or 4th Army) has its headquarter in Izmir and was established in mid-1970s against growing tensions with Greece in the Aegean Sea. Their responsibility is to defend the Aegean coast from the Dardanelles to the north down to Cyprus, and keeping sea routes and communication lines open in the Aegean. The Turkish peace corps on Cyprus are connected to the Aegean Army command structure.
Turkish Land Forces are composed by; 4 field armies, 10 army corps, 2 mechanized infantry division, 2 mechanized infantry division headquarters (tactical), 1 infantry division and 1 training division, 14 mechanized infantry brigades, 14 armored brigades, 12 infantry/regional security brigades, 5 commando brigades, and 5 training brigades.
Turkish Naval Forces are composed by; 13 submarines, 20 frigates, 21 fast patrol boats, 21 mine sweepers or hunters or layers, 52 various landing ships, 23 various maritime patrol aircraft or helicopters, and amphibious brigade. Navy's subordinate commands are; Fleet Command, Northern Sea Area Command, and Naval Training and Education Command.
Turkish Air Forces are composed by; 19 combat squadrons, 2 reconnaissance squadrons, 5 training squadrons, 6 transportation squadrons, 1 tanker squadron, and 8 surface to air missile (SAM) squadrons. These units are organized into; 2 tactical air forces (1st TAF HQ in Eskisehir and 2nd TAF HQ in Diyarbakir), 2 main air transport bases, tanker base, air training, and air logistics commands. After US Air Forces, Turkish Air Forces have the most number of F-16 aircraft in the world. Turkish Air Forces can participate in exercises conducted overseas flying non-stop thanks to their in-air refueling capability with tanker planes.
Turks had been always good soldiers since the times of the Turkic States and during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods. Especially during the Ottomans, the famous Janissaries were feared by all Europeans. But towards the end of the Ottoman Empire a new army had to be found because the defeat of its allies determined the end of the Empire, with the country being invaded and its army disarmed.
The last major battle of the Turkish Army was in early 1920's under the command of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk during the Turkish independence war after World War I. Between 1920-1923 the Army had to fight against Russian and Armenian militaries on the Eastern front, against Italian, French, and British militaries on the Southern front, and against Greek military on the western front. Gallipoli War was one of the most dramatic and heroic one amongst all. During World War II Turkey managed to stay neutral and thus the Army did not participate in any conflict until the Korean War (1950–1953). Turkey participated to this war with an infantry brigade to fight solely for humanitarian purposes and for the ideal of UN, gaining the appreciation of the world. 731 Turkish soldiers were killed in action (KIA) in Korea.
Turkey joined NATO on 18th of February 1952, and Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe (LANDSOUTHEAST) was established same year in Izmir (JCSE - Joint Command Southeast today). To date, Turkey has made a contribution of US$ 340 million to the NATO Infrastructure Fund since she has joined the NATO Infrastructure Program in 1953. In return, Turkey has received a share of nearly US$ 5.2 billion from the NATO infra funds. Today the number of NATO members reached from the original 12 to 26 (Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States).
On July 20th, 1974, Turkey had to intervene to Cyprus as one of the peace Guarantor Powers (Turkey, Greece, Britain) on the Island according to International Treaties of 1958 in Zurich and 1959 in London, to end a coup sponsored by Greek paramilitary group EOKA (Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston, National Organization of Freedom Fighters) and still continues to maintain military presence there with the Cyprus Turkish Peace Forces connected to the Aegean Army.
The Turkish army has been engaged in a conflict with the separatist and terrorist groups since the early 1980s, mainly concentrated in southeastern Turkey. Especially the 1st Commando Brigade based in Kayseri, the 2nd Commando Brigade based in Bolu, and the Amphibious Marine Brigade (3rd Commando Brigade) based in Foca/Izmir were deployed there for the fights and they were awarded with the "Distinguished Courage Medal of the Turkish Armed Forces".
After Korean War, Turkey has taken part in many Peace Support Operations joint with NATO for the regional and global peace, both military and un-military operations:
Between 1993-1994, Turkish Army took part in the Operation United Shield responding to famine conditions in Somalia (UNOSOM). A Turkish Lieutenant General (Cevik Bir) was assigned for one period to command UN Peace Keeping Force.
Operation Sharp Guard and Operation Deny Flight for Air Force patrol and escort missions over Bosnia between 1994-1995 and 1996-Present (UNPROFOR and IFOR/SFOR). In 2004 European Force (EUFOR) took over the responsibility of this force from NATO, but Turkey continues to participate in this Operation with a mechanized Battalion Task Force formed by 844 military personnel in Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, since then.
Albania (ALBA) in 1997.
Air Force patrol, escort and strike operations over Kosovo contributing with a Battalion Task Force between 1999-Present (KFOR and AFOR).
Operation Essential Harvest, conducted to disarm the Albanian militants in Macedonia, with a Company in 2001 around Petrovac region. Turkish military personnel was present also during Operation Amber Fox which began in 2001.
Operation Continual Freedom in Afghanistan between 2002-2003 and 2005-Present (ISAF). Turkey assumed the command of ISAF a couple of times in 2002, 2005, and lately in 2009. Turkish Army is still carrying out its mission with a company in the international assistance force in Kabul.
Several un-military observation and military consultation missions to support the UN in Bosnia-Herzegovina (UNMIBH and IPTF), East Timor, Georgia (UNOMIG), Al-Khalil in the West Bank (TIPH), Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM).
Participating in international joined help operations by NATO into areas where natural disasters occur or civil wars break out, such as sending air support and cargo carriers to the USA after Katrina disaster in 2005, or to Pakistan after the big earthquake in 2005, or to Darfur - Sudan in order to stop the violence in 2005 (UNMIS).
By the end of 2006, Turkish Army have also sent its peace keeping forces into southern Lebanon.
Most of the equipment and weapons systems used by the Turkish Armed Forces is of US origin. Today, other main weapons suppliers of Turkey are Germany, Israel, England, France and Russia.
Turkish Armed Forces are greater than those of France and Britain combined, with 514,000 men under arms and 380,000 in reserve, plus a robust air force with American fighters. Actually, it's the 2nd largest standing force in NATO after the United States, and 8th biggest number of active troops in the world.
In peace time, Turkish Armed Forces are ready to perform Disaster Relief Operations as was in recent earthquakes in Marmara Region. After August 17, 1999 Earthquake, Turkish Armed Forces improved its capabilities on specialized Search And Rescue (SAR) missions in order to better cope with large scale natural disasters.
Turkey is located in the Center of the Caucasus, Middle East and the Balkans which are the most unstable regions in the World. Therefore the defense policy is designed to preserve and protect the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and vital interests of the country. The Turkish Armed Forces missions and responsibilities are clearly stated in the Constitution and determined by laws as to react against new security problems and crises in the new century, to be ready to face the uncertainties, and to ensure the security of Turkey against internal and external risks.
Military service in Turkey is compulsory for all male citizens between 20 - 41 years of age (with some exceptions such as handicapped, or mentally ill, or not healthy people). Women are allowed only to become officers choosing it as a career enrolling in military schools and not as conscripts. Those men who are 20 years of age but still continue their higher education at Universities or vocational training programs are allowed to postpone their draft until they have completed these programs. The duration of the basic military service varies: 15 months for privates (elementary or high school graduates), 12 months for reserve officers (University graduates), and 6 months for short-term privates (those who have earned a university degree and have not been enlisted as reserve officers).
For Turkish citizens who have lived or worked abroad for at least 3 years, a basic military training of 3 weeks is offered instead of the full-term military service if they pay a certain fee in foreign currency (was 10.000 old German Marks, equal to 5.112 Euros of today). Also in times when the General Staff assesses that the military reserve exceeds the required amount, paid military service of 1 month basic training is established for local citizens. After the 1999 earthquake, an exception was made and paid military service was accepted that year to help the economy using the collected money in reconstruction and rehabilitation of the cities suffered during that horrible earthquake of August 17th.
All Land, Naval and Air forces are connected to the Turkish General Staff, Gendarmerie forces are connected to the Land forces, and Coast Guard is connected to the Naval forces. The Chief of General Staff (General Necdet Ozel since August 2011, succeeding retired General Isik Kosaner) is appointed by the President as Commander of the Armed Forces and is responsible to the Prime Minister. His office is coordinated with the Ministry of Defense who is also responsible to the Premiere. The Council of Ministers is responsible to Turkish Grand National Assembly for national security and the preparation of the Armed Forces to defend the country. However, authority to declare a state of war and send Turkish Armed Forces to foreign countries or allow foreign armed forces to be stationed in Turkey rests with Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM).
Land Forces are organized into; 4 Corps Command (1st Army in Marmara area, 2nd Army in the Southeast, 3rd Army in the Northeast, Aegean Army in the Aegean region), Land Forces Training & Doctrine Command, and Land Forces Logistic Command. The country is divided into four military sectors on the basis of strategic conditions of terrain, logistics, communications, and the potential external threat. These sectors are assigned to four field armies, the first three of which would come under NATO command in the event of a NATO reinforced alert.
The First Army has its headquarters in Istanbul and is widely deployed in the European part of Turkey. Their responsibility is to defend Istanbul, Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits, and Kocaeli Peninsula.
The Second Army has its headquartered in Malatya and is deployed in southeastern Anatolia with a defensive mission facing Syria, Iraq, and Iran.
The Third Army has its headquarters in Erzincan and is deployed in eastern Anatolia, covering the borders with Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan from the east and northeast. For the Armed Forces readiness against any possible crisis in the area (such as during Persian Gulf War and Iraqi War), most of the armored, mechanized, and commando brigades are located in the central region in order to act rapidly into any scenario around our borders.
The Aegean Army (or 4th Army) has its headquarter in Izmir and was established in mid-1970s against growing tensions with Greece in the Aegean Sea. Their responsibility is to defend the Aegean coast from the Dardanelles to the north down to Cyprus, and keeping sea routes and communication lines open in the Aegean. The Turkish peace corps on Cyprus are connected to the Aegean Army command structure.
Turkish Land Forces are composed by; 4 field armies, 10 army corps, 2 mechanized infantry division, 2 mechanized infantry division headquarters (tactical), 1 infantry division and 1 training division, 14 mechanized infantry brigades, 14 armored brigades, 12 infantry/regional security brigades, 5 commando brigades, and 5 training brigades.
Turkish Naval Forces are composed by; 13 submarines, 20 frigates, 21 fast patrol boats, 21 mine sweepers or hunters or layers, 52 various landing ships, 23 various maritime patrol aircraft or helicopters, and amphibious brigade. Navy's subordinate commands are; Fleet Command, Northern Sea Area Command, and Naval Training and Education Command.
Turkish Air Forces are composed by; 19 combat squadrons, 2 reconnaissance squadrons, 5 training squadrons, 6 transportation squadrons, 1 tanker squadron, and 8 surface to air missile (SAM) squadrons. These units are organized into; 2 tactical air forces (1st TAF HQ in Eskisehir and 2nd TAF HQ in Diyarbakir), 2 main air transport bases, tanker base, air training, and air logistics commands. After US Air Forces, Turkish Air Forces have the most number of F-16 aircraft in the world. Turkish Air Forces can participate in exercises conducted overseas flying non-stop thanks to their in-air refueling capability with tanker planes.
Turks had been always good soldiers since the times of the Turkic States and during the Seljuk and Ottoman periods. Especially during the Ottomans, the famous Janissaries were feared by all Europeans. But towards the end of the Ottoman Empire a new army had to be found because the defeat of its allies determined the end of the Empire, with the country being invaded and its army disarmed.
The last major battle of the Turkish Army was in early 1920's under the command of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk during the Turkish independence war after World War I. Between 1920-1923 the Army had to fight against Russian and Armenian militaries on the Eastern front, against Italian, French, and British militaries on the Southern front, and against Greek military on the western front. Gallipoli War was one of the most dramatic and heroic one amongst all. During World War II Turkey managed to stay neutral and thus the Army did not participate in any conflict until the Korean War (1950–1953). Turkey participated to this war with an infantry brigade to fight solely for humanitarian purposes and for the ideal of UN, gaining the appreciation of the world. 731 Turkish soldiers were killed in action (KIA) in Korea.
Turkey joined NATO on 18th of February 1952, and Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe (LANDSOUTHEAST) was established same year in Izmir (JCSE - Joint Command Southeast today). To date, Turkey has made a contribution of US$ 340 million to the NATO Infrastructure Fund since she has joined the NATO Infrastructure Program in 1953. In return, Turkey has received a share of nearly US$ 5.2 billion from the NATO infra funds. Today the number of NATO members reached from the original 12 to 26 (Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States).
On July 20th, 1974, Turkey had to intervene to Cyprus as one of the peace Guarantor Powers (Turkey, Greece, Britain) on the Island according to International Treaties of 1958 in Zurich and 1959 in London, to end a coup sponsored by Greek paramilitary group EOKA (Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston, National Organization of Freedom Fighters) and still continues to maintain military presence there with the Cyprus Turkish Peace Forces connected to the Aegean Army.
The Turkish army has been engaged in a conflict with the separatist and terrorist groups since the early 1980s, mainly concentrated in southeastern Turkey. Especially the 1st Commando Brigade based in Kayseri, the 2nd Commando Brigade based in Bolu, and the Amphibious Marine Brigade (3rd Commando Brigade) based in Foca/Izmir were deployed there for the fights and they were awarded with the "Distinguished Courage Medal of the Turkish Armed Forces".
After Korean War, Turkey has taken part in many Peace Support Operations joint with NATO for the regional and global peace, both military and un-military operations:
Between 1993-1994, Turkish Army took part in the Operation United Shield responding to famine conditions in Somalia (UNOSOM). A Turkish Lieutenant General (Cevik Bir) was assigned for one period to command UN Peace Keeping Force.
Operation Sharp Guard and Operation Deny Flight for Air Force patrol and escort missions over Bosnia between 1994-1995 and 1996-Present (UNPROFOR and IFOR/SFOR). In 2004 European Force (EUFOR) took over the responsibility of this force from NATO, but Turkey continues to participate in this Operation with a mechanized Battalion Task Force formed by 844 military personnel in Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, since then.
Albania (ALBA) in 1997.
Air Force patrol, escort and strike operations over Kosovo contributing with a Battalion Task Force between 1999-Present (KFOR and AFOR).
Operation Essential Harvest, conducted to disarm the Albanian militants in Macedonia, with a Company in 2001 around Petrovac region. Turkish military personnel was present also during Operation Amber Fox which began in 2001.
Operation Continual Freedom in Afghanistan between 2002-2003 and 2005-Present (ISAF). Turkey assumed the command of ISAF a couple of times in 2002, 2005, and lately in 2009. Turkish Army is still carrying out its mission with a company in the international assistance force in Kabul.
Several un-military observation and military consultation missions to support the UN in Bosnia-Herzegovina (UNMIBH and IPTF), East Timor, Georgia (UNOMIG), Al-Khalil in the West Bank (TIPH), Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM).
Participating in international joined help operations by NATO into areas where natural disasters occur or civil wars break out, such as sending air support and cargo carriers to the USA after Katrina disaster in 2005, or to Pakistan after the big earthquake in 2005, or to Darfur - Sudan in order to stop the violence in 2005 (UNMIS).
By the end of 2006, Turkish Army have also sent its peace keeping forces into southern Lebanon.
Most of the equipment and weapons systems used by the Turkish Armed Forces is of US origin. Today, other main weapons suppliers of Turkey are Germany, Israel, England, France and Russia.
Turkish Armed Forces are greater than those of France and Britain combined, with 514,000 men under arms and 380,000 in reserve, plus a robust air force with American fighters. Actually, it's the 2nd largest standing force in NATO after the United States, and 8th biggest number of active troops in the world.
In peace time, Turkish Armed Forces are ready to perform Disaster Relief Operations as was in recent earthquakes in Marmara Region. After August 17, 1999 Earthquake, Turkish Armed Forces improved its capabilities on specialized Search And Rescue (SAR) missions in order to better cope with large scale natural disasters.
Latest information about 'paid' military service plans 2011
Latest information about 'paid' military service plans 2011
Yesterday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has revealed that the paid military service law will pass within the next week at the very latest.
Latest information gleaned from the lobbies reveals that the lower age limit for paid military service is probably going to be set as 30.
Dependents of compulsory military service at the age of 40 and above are expected to be exempt from it totally while those amenable in the range of 30 to 40 years of age are expected to be called to arms for 21 days.
It is expected that over 400 thousand people, who will be charged to pay an approximate sum of 25-30 thousands TL by instalments, are amenable for recruitment at the age of 30 and above.
Yesterday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has revealed that the paid military service law will pass within the next week at the very latest.
Latest information gleaned from the lobbies reveals that the lower age limit for paid military service is probably going to be set as 30.
Dependents of compulsory military service at the age of 40 and above are expected to be exempt from it totally while those amenable in the range of 30 to 40 years of age are expected to be called to arms for 21 days.
It is expected that over 400 thousand people, who will be charged to pay an approximate sum of 25-30 thousands TL by instalments, are amenable for recruitment at the age of 30 and above.
Current Military Pay Charts
Current Military Pay Charts
Military budgets operate off of the "fiscal year," which runs from 1 October to 30 September. For example, Fiscal Year 2009 is from 1 October 2008 to 30 September 2009.
However, that does not mean that military pay changes occur at that time.
Due to the wording that Congress uses in the annual Military Appropriations Act, and the Military Authorization Act, most military pay increases do not begin until the beginning of the calendar year (i.e., January 1st).
The Military Appropriations Act, and the Military Authorization Act must be passed by Congress and signed into law by the President each year, before it can be implemented by the Department of Defense.
The Military Appropriations Act reserves (allocates) money for the Department of Defense. The Military Authorization Act tells DOD how to spend the money. Both acts must be passed and signed into law before DOD can implement them.
2012 Pay Charts
Proposed 2012 Military Base Pay
It looks like President Obama's proposal for a 1.6 percent military pay raise is pretty much a done deal. If approved by Congress, here you'll find the new pay charts for the upcoming 2012 fiscal year.
2011 Military Pay Charts
What Congress has in store for you in 2011
Pay and benefit changes for the year 2011.
2011 Base Pay
Military active duty base pay rates for the year 2011.
2011 BAH (Housing Allowance)
Military members who are authorized to live off-base are paid a monthly housing allowance called BAH to help them pay for rent or mortgage.
2011 BAS (Food Allowance)
Basic Allowance for Substinance (BAS) rates for military members during the year 2011.
2011 Family Separation Allowance (FSA)
FSA is payable when a military member is forced to be separated from his/her family members (dependents, such as spouse and/or children) for longer than 30 calendar days.
2011 Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance
Low-ranking military members, who would otherwise qualify for food stamps, may apply for this monthly, tax-free allowance, thereby removing them from food stamp eligibility.
Military members who are deployed to a designated combat zone are entitled to monthly, tax-free combat pay. Additionally, while in a combat zone, their other military pay may be partially or totally exempt from income taxes.
2011 Clothing (Uniform) Allowance
Military members are paid an annual tax-free allowance to help pay for maintaining their uniform items.
2011 Drill Pay
Members of the Guard & Reserve are paid drill pay for performing monthly drill duty. Here are the rates for 2011.
Guard/Reserve Housing Allowance
Members of the National Guard and Reserves who are on active duty for 30 or more calendar days, and who are authorized to live off base, receive the full Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), just like active duty members. However, Guard and Reserve members who are on active duty for less than 30 days (for example, the two weeks of annual drill), receive a different type of Housing Allowance, known as "BAS RC/Transient, that pays less, on average than active duty BAH.
Child Support Allowance
Military members who live in unacompanied quarters (barracks), and pay court-ordered child support receive the difference between the single and dependent rate of the military transitional rate housing allowance. This pay is called "Differential Pay."
Partial BAH
Partial rate Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is paid to military members without dependents who are living in government quarters (such as dormitories or barracks), and are not entitled to any other type of housing allowance.
Flight Pay
Military members who perform regular flight duties are entitled to special monthly flight pays.
Hazardous Duty Pay
Military members who perform duties which are considered "dangerous," due to the nature of the job, are entitled to monthly hazardous duty incentive pay.
Diving Duty Pay
Each branch of service has specific qualification requirements for members to receive Diving Duty Pay. In general, these divers must be designated divers by order, training, and assignment.
Sea Pay
Military members performing duty at sea are entitled to a special monthly pay, known as "Career Sea Pay."
Submarine Duty Pay
Military personnel (mostly Navy) who perform operational submarine duty are entitled to receive Submarine Duty Pay.
Personal Money Allowance
A few high-ranking members of the U.S. Military are authorized a special monthly "Personal Money Allowance."
Military budgets operate off of the "fiscal year," which runs from 1 October to 30 September. For example, Fiscal Year 2009 is from 1 October 2008 to 30 September 2009.
However, that does not mean that military pay changes occur at that time.
Due to the wording that Congress uses in the annual Military Appropriations Act, and the Military Authorization Act, most military pay increases do not begin until the beginning of the calendar year (i.e., January 1st).
The Military Appropriations Act, and the Military Authorization Act must be passed by Congress and signed into law by the President each year, before it can be implemented by the Department of Defense.
The Military Appropriations Act reserves (allocates) money for the Department of Defense. The Military Authorization Act tells DOD how to spend the money. Both acts must be passed and signed into law before DOD can implement them.
2012 Pay Charts
Proposed 2012 Military Base Pay
It looks like President Obama's proposal for a 1.6 percent military pay raise is pretty much a done deal. If approved by Congress, here you'll find the new pay charts for the upcoming 2012 fiscal year.
2011 Military Pay Charts
What Congress has in store for you in 2011
Pay and benefit changes for the year 2011.
2011 Base Pay
Military active duty base pay rates for the year 2011.
2011 BAH (Housing Allowance)
Military members who are authorized to live off-base are paid a monthly housing allowance called BAH to help them pay for rent or mortgage.
2011 BAS (Food Allowance)
Basic Allowance for Substinance (BAS) rates for military members during the year 2011.
2011 Family Separation Allowance (FSA)
FSA is payable when a military member is forced to be separated from his/her family members (dependents, such as spouse and/or children) for longer than 30 calendar days.
2011 Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance
Low-ranking military members, who would otherwise qualify for food stamps, may apply for this monthly, tax-free allowance, thereby removing them from food stamp eligibility.
Military members who are deployed to a designated combat zone are entitled to monthly, tax-free combat pay. Additionally, while in a combat zone, their other military pay may be partially or totally exempt from income taxes.
2011 Clothing (Uniform) Allowance
Military members are paid an annual tax-free allowance to help pay for maintaining their uniform items.
2011 Drill Pay
Members of the Guard & Reserve are paid drill pay for performing monthly drill duty. Here are the rates for 2011.
Guard/Reserve Housing Allowance
Members of the National Guard and Reserves who are on active duty for 30 or more calendar days, and who are authorized to live off base, receive the full Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), just like active duty members. However, Guard and Reserve members who are on active duty for less than 30 days (for example, the two weeks of annual drill), receive a different type of Housing Allowance, known as "BAS RC/Transient, that pays less, on average than active duty BAH.
Child Support Allowance
Military members who live in unacompanied quarters (barracks), and pay court-ordered child support receive the difference between the single and dependent rate of the military transitional rate housing allowance. This pay is called "Differential Pay."
Partial BAH
Partial rate Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is paid to military members without dependents who are living in government quarters (such as dormitories or barracks), and are not entitled to any other type of housing allowance.
Flight Pay
Military members who perform regular flight duties are entitled to special monthly flight pays.
Hazardous Duty Pay
Military members who perform duties which are considered "dangerous," due to the nature of the job, are entitled to monthly hazardous duty incentive pay.
Diving Duty Pay
Each branch of service has specific qualification requirements for members to receive Diving Duty Pay. In general, these divers must be designated divers by order, training, and assignment.
Sea Pay
Military members performing duty at sea are entitled to a special monthly pay, known as "Career Sea Pay."
Submarine Duty Pay
Military personnel (mostly Navy) who perform operational submarine duty are entitled to receive Submarine Duty Pay.
Personal Money Allowance
A few high-ranking members of the U.S. Military are authorized a special monthly "Personal Money Allowance."
Bedelli Askerlik
TSK Bedelli Askerlik 2011
Arınç, bedelli konusundaki açıklamanın Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tarafından açıklanacağını söylemişti. Bakan Arınç, Bakanlar Kurulu toplantısına ilişkin açıklamalarının ardından gazetecilerin sorularını yanıtladı. Ardından Erdoğan da konuştu ve bedelli askerlik için tarih verdi: "Bu hafta olmasa önümüzdeki hafta bu işi tamamlayıp, hemen adımı atacağız ve bedelli askerlik ile ilgili yasayı inşallah çıkarmış olacağız." Ve bugün de binlerce kişinin beklediği bedelli askerlik Bakanlar Kurulu'nda imzaya açıldı. Salı günkü konuşmasında kamuoyundaki ifadesiyle ''bedelli askerlik'' konusunda yapılan çalışmanın ayrıntılarının sorulması üzerine Arınç, şu yanıtı vermişti: "Bedelli askerlik konusunda bir düzenleme yapılacaktır. Bu düzenlemedeki temel gösterge, Silahlı Kuvvetlerimizin asker ihtiyacıdır. Bugüne kadar olduğu gibi bu düzenleme içinde de Genelkurmayımızın, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin, asker ihtiyacı birinci derecede dikkate alınacaktır. Ancak, bedelli askerlik konusunda bir düzenleme yapılırken, siyasi kararı hükümetimiz verecektir. Yaş sınırının ne olacağı, bedel noktasında miktarın ne olarak düzenlenebileceği ve buna ilişkin detaylı bilgiler veyahut da kanun metninde yer alacak hususlar bizzat Sayın Başbakanımız tarafından açıklanacaktır.
Arınç, bedelli konusundaki açıklamanın Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tarafından açıklanacağını söylemişti. Bakan Arınç, Bakanlar Kurulu toplantısına ilişkin açıklamalarının ardından gazetecilerin sorularını yanıtladı. Ardından Erdoğan da konuştu ve bedelli askerlik için tarih verdi: "Bu hafta olmasa önümüzdeki hafta bu işi tamamlayıp, hemen adımı atacağız ve bedelli askerlik ile ilgili yasayı inşallah çıkarmış olacağız." Ve bugün de binlerce kişinin beklediği bedelli askerlik Bakanlar Kurulu'nda imzaya açıldı. Salı günkü konuşmasında kamuoyundaki ifadesiyle ''bedelli askerlik'' konusunda yapılan çalışmanın ayrıntılarının sorulması üzerine Arınç, şu yanıtı vermişti: "Bedelli askerlik konusunda bir düzenleme yapılacaktır. Bu düzenlemedeki temel gösterge, Silahlı Kuvvetlerimizin asker ihtiyacıdır. Bugüne kadar olduğu gibi bu düzenleme içinde de Genelkurmayımızın, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin, asker ihtiyacı birinci derecede dikkate alınacaktır. Ancak, bedelli askerlik konusunda bir düzenleme yapılırken, siyasi kararı hükümetimiz verecektir. Yaş sınırının ne olacağı, bedel noktasında miktarın ne olarak düzenlenebileceği ve buna ilişkin detaylı bilgiler veyahut da kanun metninde yer alacak hususlar bizzat Sayın Başbakanımız tarafından açıklanacaktır.
Bu konu ne olur bir daha bize, bir başkasına sorularak dikkatleri başka tarafa dağıtmadan, beklentileri farklı yönlerde odaklaştırmadan, o insanlarımızın hassasiyetlerini düşünerek, büyük ümit ve hayaller içinde olmamalarını özen göstermemiz lazım. Şunu rahatlıkla söyleyebiliyorum; bedelli askerlik konusunda, bu isimli söylendiği için söylüyorum, bir düzenleme yapılacaktır. Bu düzenlemenin kapsamı yaşı ve diğer şartları kanun tasarısında gösterilecektir. Elbette, bugüne kadar olduğu gibi TSK'nın asker ihtiyacı önemle dikkate alınacaktır. Bütün bunları bir araya getirecek düzenlemeyi de sanıyorum çok daha büyük vakit geçmeden Sayın Başbakanımız bizzat açıklayacaktır. Bakanlar Kurulunun gündeminde olmamasına rağmen, Sayın Başbakanımızından ve ilgililerden aldığım bilgi bu noktadır."
Bahçeli'den bedelliye destek
MHP Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli, Milli Savunma Bakanlığı'nın üzerinde çalışma yürüttüğü bedelli askerlik düzenlemesine destek vereceklerini söyledi. Partisinin grup toplantısında konuşan Bahçeli, "Daha önceki görüşlerimize sadık kalarak bu konuda yapıcı ve iyi niyetli bir yol izleyeceğimizi, pozitif bir tutum takınacağımızı muhataplarımızın ve ilgililerin bilmesinde fayda vardır." dedi. Bahçeli, şöyle konuştu: "Türk milletinin vicdanını sızlatmayan, şehit ailelerimizi incitmeyen, gazilerimizi üzmeyen, TSK'yla diyalog içinde askerlik hizmetlerinin ihtiyaçlarını gözeten ama artan bedelli beklentilerini de ihmal etmeyen bir yaklaşımla bedelli konusu çözülmeli ve ülke gündeminden çıkarılmalıdır. Bunun yanı sıra, TSK'nın personel rejimi yeniden düzenlenmeli ve bu konudaki tartışmalar süratle neticeye ulaştırılmalıdır."
Şehit aileleri bedelliye karşı
Türkiye Harp Malülü Gaziler Şehit Dul ve Yetimleri Derneği Kayseri Şube Başkanı Ali Yavuz, bedelli askerliğe karşı olduklarını açıkladı. Yavuz, "Ülkeye hizmet etmenin, kan ve can vermenin bedeli parayla ölçülemez." dedi. Vatanını seven ve inanan insanlar olarak, bedelli askerliğe karşı olduklarını ifade eden Yavuz, bedelli askerlikten gelen paraların şehit aileleri ve gazilere verileceği haberlerinin ise onur kıran ve inciten bir durum olduğunu söyledi.
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